Implementation of what to be the first honourable house for Temotu Provincial Government is slowly ongoing. Current progress of implementation according to Provincial Engineer and Contractors is now in its final stage with much anticipation and hope to be completed by next year.
A visit to the site had confirmed contractors working on the site. Brief interview with contractors had expressed continues experience of delay and delivery of required hardware materials as a major factor for the slow progress. Again, this is related to current limited finance faced by the province. Construction work on the project had been slow recently due to ongoing budget limitations faced by the province. The Project faced the biggest blow this year as the ministry (MPGIS) could not secured needed capital funding support from SIG .Sunrise news also understands that Provincial Capacity Development Fund Budget for 2018/19 have also been reduced to only $10million, the biggest cut so far for the program. The chamber project had been financed under MPGIS Provincial Infrastructure Development Program and Temotu Assembly chamber project to date had received a total grant of $2million from 2016/17 financial year. The Assembly chamber is one of the priority project of the current government and the Province is committed to see full completion of the project. However, with ongoing financial difficulties, the provincial government appeals to SIG to reinstate funding of the Program through MPGIS so that implementation of current projects can be completed. Temotu Provincial Assembly chamber project had started in 2016 with funding supports from MPGIS Provincial Institutional Development Program, PCDF and Temotu Provincial Government Co-funding. The total project cost is valued at more than SBD$5.2 million and had been constructed by RL Aluminium and Glassworks Works, a Honiara based construction company.