Human Resources DivisionPGSPThe Project Division within the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) together with the Project Management Unit (PMU) within the Provincial Governanc
Date | Names | Provinces | Duration |
03/02/2019 | Mark | Central | 2wks |
04/03/2019 | Peter | Malaita | 2wks |
05/04/2019 | Mark | Isabel | 2wks |
07/04/2019 | Peter | Western | 2wks |
e Strengthening Program (PGSP) are the Divisions within the MPGIS responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects that are implemented by the Ministry. The Project Division is responsible for the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the Ministry’s projects including on PCDF funded projects. Working closely with the PGSP’s Project Division, the Ministry counterparts ensure that projects are properly implemented at the community level. In carrying out their monitoring and evaluation responsibilities, the Project Division focuses on ensuring that project implementation is carried out in line with objectives of the MPGIS and relevant laws and policies of the state such as the Public Financial Management Act while the PGSP’s PMU focuses more on improving public expenditure management within Provincial Governments and on learning how to improve on the ways in which the Program provides administration and operational support to project implementation at the community level. Huma Resources Divisionthis monitoring, evaluation and reporting processes contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery at the community level through the MPGIS and PGSP’s various projects.National Parliament.
One of the Classrooms (Double Storey) funded under the PCDF.